Men’s Ministry
The KSBC Men’s Ministry is passionate about men having a place to connect and catch up with friends − old, new and those still to come. Throughout the year we run a number of social events. Events such as an AFL Grand Final breakfast (with keynote speaker), lawn bowls, ten pin bowling and an end of year dinner. These events give men the opportunity to enjoy some quality time together, share their lives and encourage each other.
Specific dates and events can be found at the Seek and Find table.
Men of all ages (18+) are very welcome.

MaKS – Men at Kilsyth South
This group meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 10.00 am – 11.30 am, usually at the church. It is open to all men at KSBC & their friends and is a time of catching up over morning tea and a relaxing programme. We aim to foster a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable getting to know each other.