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Khmer of Cambodia – Relationship Building – Craig & Kim (Tax deductible)
Global Interaction
Craig and Kim and their four children moved to Cambodia in 2018 to serve among the Khmer.
Leading up to this, they sensed God calling them to cross-cultural mission but felt there were many obstacles to this. They had a large mortgage, two young children and were expecting twins. However, around this time Craig went on a short trip to South Asia and noticed how workers used fish-farming to empower the poor and as an opportunity to share the hope of Jesus. So, in 2012 they sold their house and business and moved interstate where Craig undertook studies in Aquaculture. Since making themselves available they have seen God do extraordinary things in their lives, showing that He is their provider.
For their first years in Cambodia, Craig and Kim will focus on learning the local culture and language with a Khmer language nurturer. They hope to use their skills in aquaculture and paediatric nursing to build relationships with the Khmer people and to encourage them in discovering Jesus and how they can follow Him within their own culture.